by | Aug 29, 2024 | Prophetic | 3 comments

Our greatest spiritual asset is our integrity. When integrity is present, we will be safe because we are living in the light. Those who live in the shadows will eventually enter a time of compromise where all that a person worked for will be lost.

Yesterday, I watched a sanitation worker drive his truck to our home and pick up our trash bins. It is a weekly occurrence. Without that scheduled pick up the quality of our neighborhood would deteriorate.

Our unconfessed sin are like piles of uncollected trash that accumulate because we are not watching the door of our hearts. Our uncollected spiritual trash will invite things into our lives we could not imagine. What comes to feed on the piles of our unrepented sin are demonic influencers tasked with taking us deeper into sin where we will do things unimagined when we once walked in integrity. Hidden sin is a powerful attractant to hell.

When our hidden sin is publicly revealed, it’s too late to maintain an image of integrity when others see what we did and our compromise reveals our lack of integrity. At that point, trust has been broken. Marriages can fail, ministries may collapse, and we may lose relationships.   Yes, we can be forgiven but we will suffer the consequence of our sin.  A repentant person can walk into a new future if they remain humble and transparent before the Lord and with close and trusted friends to whom they submit their lives.

The greatest discovery at that point is to find out when and where we stopped listening to the voice of God and wandered away from the truth to embrace the trash of our unchallenged desires. It is that point where our healing and restoration begin.

Integrity will reveal the level of our intimacy with God. Our intimacy must be protected at all costs. At the point when we begin to secretly follow the lusts of the flesh is when we will become a wayward follower of Christ. At that point, we become double-minded even with those closest to us. That is why it is always surprising when a trusted person falls into sin. A lack of integrity in their life was never imagined until it was exposed. Taking out the trash is not just a metaphor, it is the way of life for a person who is following the Spirit.

“The integrity of the upright guides them, but the unfaithful are destroyed by their duplicity” (Proverbs 11:3).


  1. John J Anderson II

    Brilliant (again!), Garrison.

    What role does ‘unforgiveness’ have in the trash pile to be removed?

    Both Mt 18 and Is 58 suggest that THE determinant of spiritual power, divine guidance, blessing and healing IS…….. interpersonal reconciliation (including forgiveness).

    In human nutrition, when the brain metabolizes glucose, it releases a toxin into the inter-neuronal space (homocysteine). Unless neutralized by folate (a B vitamin), the homocysteine build-up causes brain fog and dementia! Some studies think it might also trigger Alzheimers’ Disease!

  2. Letícia

    Amém. My conscious is clean with my Almighty Lord Jesus Christ. I repented from all the ” garbage” from my past. Interesting point of view at this very time . It must have a deeper meaning. God bless the writter ✨🙌✨

  3. Linda Wolfe

    Just a private comment to you. Thank you for your posts, they are life to me.
    This is interesting given what I have seen this year. A mentor (S.P.) I have been following had the following experience. In the past, he (S.P.) had to confront his mentor, that he was partnering with, in regards to sexual sin. This mentor of his had studied under Rick Joyner and is highly gifted. This mentor went through a restoration with a team led by Michael Brown and was advised to remain submitted under leadership rather than on his own in ministry. This same man is now ministering on his own and again looks to have some (sexual sin and rebellion) issues. Now Chris Reed has gone public with sexual sin that occurred while at Morningstar Ministries before he took the leadership position at Morningstar Ministries. He had formally repented and been restored but he has now* resigned. This is so grievous to the body of Christ. *8/26/24


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