by | Jul 2, 2023 | Prophetic | 2 comments

We have all heard the phrase “take the temperature” referring to discovering what is true or not. It’s the ability to discern what is really happening at a deeper level. At times that temperature reading is contrary to popular assessments of reality.  The ability to read the correct temperature of culture, world events, or the spiritual condition of the Church is vital, especially if one is called to lead God’s people.

Yesterday, I was barbecuing a chicken. The day before, I had changed the batteries on my temperature probe. What I did not realize was that in handling the probe I had bumped one of the knobs and switched the probe from Fahrenheit to Centigrade. As the cook progressed, I realized something was amiss when the chicken was not at the proper internal temperature. I finally realized my mistake and switched back to the correct temperature. As a result of that adjustment, out came a beautiful crusted golden-brown chicken. If I had not corrected my mistake my chicken would have looked like a burned rock.

We cannot wait for compromised leaders in society or within the Church to stop and take the correct temperature of the meals have been told to consume without question. That’s our job. If we learned anything from the pandemic it was this, those with compromised integrity don’t want anyone sticking a probe into the meat of an issue to discover the true temperature of what we are being told to consume. During the pandemic, esteemed doctors and scientists who raised valid questions, were mocked, censored, and sidelined all because they asked questions and provided evidence that something was not right. The same is true in theology or human sexuality. Ask the wrong question and the fireworks begin.

John wrote, “Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see if they are from God” (I John 4). The word John used for “test” can also be translated as examine or scrutinize. 

Paul used the same Greek word in Romans 12:2, “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing, and perfect will.”

The only way we can test and approve what is the truth is when we stick a spiritual probe into what we have been told is the undeniable truth that cannot be challenged. Those who try to prevent that probing themselves need to be probed. In the process of probing, the truth will be revealed as will the motives of those who do not want us to probe into a deeper reality where the truth is discovered.



    Apt analogy, Garris. Some of our leaders, are more concerned about social acceptance than speaking truth in love to a dying world. Like Paul admonishing Peter in Galatians 2:11-14, we need to test the message and speak truth.

  2. Gloria

    Amazingly insightful, timely observation!
    Thank you for your candor.


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