by | Feb 10, 2024 | Prophetic | 4 comments

On this day, February 10, 1994, my pastor, and one of the greatest mentors in my life, Roy Hicks, Jr, died in an airplane crash not far from where Jan and I now live. The truths Roy represented and his integrity with Scripture still resonate in my heart. Thirty years is a long time, but truth is not diminished by time. What is mentored in all of us from faithful men and women becomes a platform upon which we build our lives. Thank you, Roy.


  1. Cynthia

    I have just been rereading his book Instrument Rated Christian which I love.

  2. JML

    Thank you Roy! Because of you, I can read Garris’ writings every day, and I was baptized by Garris so long ago. Who knows where I would be if Garris and Jan had not come to our troubled church and represented Christ in such an amazing way that made you just want to learn more. Thank you Garris for being obedient to God’s calling.

  3. Nita Belles

    I remember that day so vividly. God used Roy to permanently transform many lives, including mine. Blessed to have come to know you and Jan through that time. Lord help us be vigilant, strong and pliable in your hands.

  4. Tim

    I loved it when Roy would come to the Billings church! We were so broken when Stan told us about the crash. I think he was heading back home from Billings if I remember correctly. He dad was a great man also! Love them both! Thanks Garris for your faithfulness!


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