by | Jul 16, 2024 | Prophetic | 4 comments

When an evil act takes place, like the assassination attempt on President Trump, we can miss seeing the miracle of God’s rescue because we allowed our negative predisposition to limit our understanding of what happened. What muddles our understanding are the derangements we have about the person being rescued. In a state of derangement, we will miss seeing something greater that took place in the evil attack – divine intervention. 

Elihu, one of Job’s friends, was waxing passionately and confidently about Job and why he was suffering. Elihu made a statement that was a breathless pause in his attempt to correct Job’s thinking, “For I have not finished defending God!” (Job 36:2). Elihu said many things that are true about life and the Lord. Still, he missed the most important element in his correction. He missed the heart of God. No matter how much Elihu thought he knew of God, he allowed his judgment of Job and what he thought he understood about Job’s experience to blind him from seeing something greater.

People are looking for answers at this challenging time in our history. Many times, in our attempt to defend God against those with whom we disagree, those defensive explanations are nothing more than a revelation of our derangements. They reveal the weakness of our limited understanding of God because we have allowed our deranged thinking to keep us from seeing the miracles of God that were present in the expression of an evil act.


  1. Truth Seeker

    💯 🎯 God is in the details. If President Trump had not turned his head, the bullet would have went through his skull. Miracles happen every day, but this was showcased across the nation on live tv. God is good all the time. Believe for a miracle and pray for our leaders, ALL of them. 🙏🏼🇺🇸🦅

    • Brenda Joy Richards


  2. Eikai

    Yes this heinous act is inversely God Reaching Out to this world thirsting for the Living Water that only God provides ….
    This ‘saving’ wasn’t dumb luck, a bad shot or poor protocols – ‘IT’ was GOD! & a visual example of His Promised Protection for All the world to see….. we live in Amazing times indeed

    • Brenda Joy Richards

      True! The saving of President Trump was God! You can almost picture an angel gently moving President Trump’s head!


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