by | Sep 27, 2024 | Prophetic | 2 comments

Having spent several years as a Law Enforcement officer, I can address this topic with some credibility. Life is very different today than when I served, but the principles of good and true law enforcement remain for those who practice its ethics.

We are entering a time when officers will need to make a choice. Will they become enforcers of a violation of basic human rights, or will they stand as defenders of those rights? The choice they make will either protect citizens from an abuse of power or in their compliance, they will become part of the problem.

A wave of resistance is swelling within the ranks of officers who have sworn to uphold the constitution – a document they swore to defend. They are people who will speak the truth in love even at the risk of demotion or losing their livelihood. These courageous officers will no longer be willing to obey orders that strip away the God-given rights of citizens or censor their voices. 

All of us should obey the laws of the land where we live if those rights do not conflict with the laws of God. If those who are giving orders violate God’s higher order, it must be challenged, even resisted. Without questioning such orders they will become complicit with the evil they are being told to commit.

This blue wave will slowly increase in size and intensify in the coming days. Its impact will become more evident as more officers begin to join together refusing illegal orders commanded by their superiors – orders that fail to protect, serve, and honor the community. This is not about rebellion against authority or evidence of anarchy within the ranks. It is a wave of truth that will sweep across the nation holding those in authority to a higher standing.  


  1. Dawn R Kludt

    Thank you Garris, that is a very hopeful word that I personally, appreciate more than you know. I have been holding on to that hope for several years now.

    • Barry

      I pray this for our police officers and wish all of them could read this. May they and all of us stand, be strong and do right in God’s eyes. No matter what this dark world says. Thank you for this wonderful word.


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