by | Sep 28, 2024 | Prophetic | 2 comments

There are times when Scripture speaks loudly from history into our present moment. We are living in such a time. God is still God and He has not changed no matter how soft we make our theology. God is actively at work in the nations because it’s in the context of our everyday lives where the Lord will demonstrate His power and authority against all that defies His name.

When David wrote Psalm 58, he called out those who were afflicting him and Israel. He asked a poignant question of the ones doing the afflicting, “Justice—do you rulers know the meaning of the word? Do you judge the people fairly? No! You plot injustice in your hearts” (Psalm 58: 1-2).

David defined those who plot injustice and use injustice to rule and control a nation, “They are like cobras that refuse to listen, ignoring the tunes of the snake charmers, no matter how skillfully they play” (vs. 4-5).

Then David asked the Lord, to “Break off their fangs, O God!” It is the fangs through which the poison of deceit is administered. A broken fang makes it impossible for snakes to transmit poison to their victims. This defanging happens when uncensored truth is spoken in public.

David made another request, “Make their weapons useless in their hands” (vs. 7). The very weapons that were once powerful and forbidding to those under its influence and control will have no effect. When the time comes for God to defang a poisonous message, “God will sweep them away, both young and old, faster than a pot heats over burning thorns” (vs. 6-9). When God moves, it will be quick, to the point, and undeniable.

As the Lord moves and confronts injustice in our world, we can confidently say, “There truly is a reward for those who live for God; surely there is a God who judges justly here on earth.” (vs. 11).


  1. Jack Rich

    As a young Christian in the 70s, I had a dream:

    A cry went out, “The snakes are loose!” You could see where two 30-foot snakes were moving through the seated crowd as waves of people would climb up on the backs of their chairs.

    A couple captured the snakes, put them in a white bag, and of all people called me to the front. They handed me the bag. (You don’t know me. There’s no way I would even go near a snake.)

    I opened it. It contained only big, fat worms. What’s the difference between worms and snakes? NO FANGS!

  2. Molly Hintz

    Excellent!! Loved the word picture of defanging…and so it will be, Lord🙌


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