Satan always attempts to move people and their thinking to a place where they will align with his desired purpose. In the beginning, as he makes his initial moves, he goes undetected, while he inflates a lie in an attempt to make it believable.
One of his most tactically successful moves has been to keep individuals, groups of like-minded people, and a significant portion of the population of a nation in the dark while he inflates a lie giving it increasing substance. He creates a plausible and believable bubble where people willing to go along with the lie can comfortably live without intrusion. In the insulation of that bubble is where Satan makes his most deadly moves.
The current bubble of deception is about to pop. The enclosure of that bubble has stretched so thin it has become vulnerable. God is making His move. The pin of God is moving toward the bubble to burst its falsehood for all to see.
This will not be a puncture to punish, but to reveal. It will be an act of redemption. Theological and social foolishness that formed the hide of the bubble will burst because it did not have the strength to resist the puncture of truth. Government policies that resemble fantasies and illusions, violations of God’s created order, and alliances working undetected by the masses in an attempt to steer world economies toward evil ends will explode. These bubbles will burst because if they continue, they would bring harm and bondage to innocent people.
I so appreciate your poignant and spot on posts, Garris, and have for several years now. Thank you for your faithful commitment to speak Rhema words with loving firmness.