What makes the
approach of a New Year so challenging for many of us is not the newness or
unfamiliarity that awaits us in the coming year, it is the goodbyes we had to
say in the previous year that became painful weights to our soul. These
goodbyes are like emotional hitchhikers climbing upon our backs wanting to ride
forward with us into the future unresolved.
As December
winds down and some of these goodbyes begin to speak with increased intensity,
find something good in the goodbye. It is there. Find it. Declare it. Write it
down. Don’t allow a painful goodbye to continue with you on your journey as an
unresolved weight of silent assumption. Address these goodbyes and tell them to
how to find a healthy place in your life.
If you can do
this, each of your goodbyes will be transformed. In their transformation, they will begin to whisper in your ear an introduction to something new and not imagined
when the weight of loss was so heavy. Your resolved goodbyes have been destined
to become the weightless freight of God’s goodness upon your life. He gives you
permission to carry the memory of these goodbyes as a reminder that all things
can and do work together for those who love God and are called according to His