by | Aug 8, 2024 | Prophetic | 3 comments

I heard the Lord say, “The clock is being paused.” I understood Him to mean the clock of time will be paused to expand and fulfill what the Lord wants to reveal and accomplish in His people. 

Time is not static. I can appear to us as unchangeable and inevitable in its outcome. Time is a context that God created for humans to live within. It offers a timeline to reveal His will. The Lord can do as He pleases regarding time, expanding or reducing its presence. 

A paused moment in time will be used to gather the Church bringing them into a place of one heart and mind to reveal a unison not thought possible in our divided world. When the Lord moves in that moment, He will pour out His Spirit in ways we cannot yet imagine.  We will not notice that an alteration of time has taken place. Our surprise will become a “Suddenly of God” that will release revival in the Church and reformation in the nations.

We are not slaves to time. We are servants of the Living God who created time. He can do as He pleases with His creation, including impacting time in ways that will reveal His glory.


  1. Kent lauderbach

    Joshua 10:13 thank you,

  2. Donna Bleiler

    I’m reading how time is nonexistent in quantum. It seems that everything is about quantum these days. Another indication we are on God’s timeline and His presence is filling the earth.

  3. Greta G

    Just recently I heard, “The delay is necessary. Keep your eyes on Me.” I was unsure what that meant. I believe now I know. Thank you.


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