I watched a video of an eagle swooping down and picking up a snake with its talons. I knew the image was being used by the Lord to gain my attention. The eagle was empowered not by human zeal or strength. It was energized by God’s Spirit and the prayers of His saints. The snake represented the deception and the delusion that is slithering through our nation and the Church.
The eagle took the snake high up into the sky where all could see what was about to transpire. At a precise altitude, the eagle dropped the snake to the Earth crushing it to death and destroying its plans. The eagle then descended and consumed the snake.
What God wants to do in our lives, our nation and the world will not be accomplished by our highest ideals or goals. While those can be honorable, even at their best, they are still polluted by a limited understanding of our spiritual reality and our short-sighted preferences regarding outcomes. This work of the Lord to empower the eagle will be a supernatural work of redemption that will cause all eyes to look heavenward and realize only God could accomplish what had transpired.
Many have grown cynical and some have given up any hope that a supernatural intervention by God could take place. This work of the Lord employing the eagle to capture and destroy the snake will not only redeem the souls of the lost, but it will redeem the faith of those who have allowed their thinking to be programmed by the deception and delusion carried by the snake.
When a successful man or woman is arrested by God, tried by failure and delay, and trained for a Divine Assignment, there is always a “gut check” just prior to launch. For Joseph, it was the sense of betrayal and being forgotten by the baker and cup-bearer. For Jesus, it was the trial in the wilderness.
For many, their “gut check” is an unanswered prayer to God, perhaps asking “Are you sure I am the one to do this? Isn’t there someone better prepared, more capable, and less flawed than me?”
This is true humility – not self-deprecation. “Above all, put on the garment of humility.”(Paul) “Moses was the meekest man alive upon the earth.”(Exodus)
Garris, thanks for pressing us to live with the Eagle’s divine perspective.
That’s a great insight, powerful story and an optimistic view to have for our country… perhaps even for the world.
His glory will shine ever brighter. His plans are to prosper us, even when we cannot imagine how much and how big His plans are for us. Amen.
Definitely for the whole world. I’m in Victoria Australia.( Victoria has 4 of the most deadly snakes in the world.) I grew up in the bush where we saw them frequently. We also have the laughing kookaburra. They love snakes. I would watch them swoop down pick up a snake, take it up high then drop it. This would stun the snake long enough for it to be picked up again and bashed on a fence post until it was dead. The kookaburra then laughed and took it to the nest to feed the young.
Thanks for reminding me Garris. It’s an encouraging prophetic picture.