by | Jul 24, 2023 | Prophetic | 1 comment

Last week, I went in for an eye exam. A technician dilated my eyes so the doctor could do a deep and thorough exam of the interior of my eyes. After the exam was over, I was handed a pair of disposable plastic sunglasses and told the dilation would last for several hours. I dutifully put on the sunglasses in the lobby before I went outside. The sunglasses made me look like an Arnold Schwarzenegger wannabe escaping from the set of the movie The Terminator. All was well until I left the lobby and walked out into the bright midday sun. It was way too brilliant. It was a challenge to walk. Driving home required great concentration and a bit of creative squinting. 

When God reveals an unfamiliar truth to us, it can be a glaring disruption to our current reality. Just before a major event in life, something we may not have known was coming, our spiritual eyes will be dilated by the Lord to allow Him to examine the condition of our hearts. The brightness of that process can be a bit unsettling in its revelation, but it’s necessary so we will be ready to face the change that will alter our understanding of reality and know how to move forward into the future.

The Lord is dilating the eyes of His people to examine our current understanding of reality. This is to prepare us to see what the Lord sees. For a time that dilation will be emotionally, even spiritually uncomfortable until the clarity of our vision returns, not to what was, but to a new normal with a new focus.  When our sight does return, we will see this life differently. We will begin to see this world and what is transpiring with a clarity that only comes to an examined heart. That new sight will bring assurance in the faithfulness of God, His promises. and His plan for our future no matter what our previously limited sight told us would be impossible.

1 Comment

  1. AnnieGrace

    Great analogy!


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