by | Jan 27, 2025 | Prophetic | 1 comment

Ten years ago, I began to write and publicly prophesy about a reset that would take place in the Church. That reset would significantly impact the Church and challenge attempts to control the nations where the Church was present.

In 2020, the World Economic Forum (WEF) created a global plan to reset the nations. It was created as a response to the COVID-19 pandemic and was launched in June 2020 at their meeting in Davos, Switzerland. The plan was called The Great Reset. That reset plan was designed to create a more resilient, equitable, and governed world. That plan would evolve into the theme for the 2022 WEF gathering as “History at a Turning Point.” It was not an innocent plan. One of the themes of The Great Reset was “You’ll own nothing and be happy.” The reset was about control.

The Lord had another plan that he announced prophetically long before The Great Reset was revealed. It would be a spiritual reset that would produce a more significant kind of change. God’s plan would meet opposition from those promoting the lesser Great Reset where the will of people and nations would be controlled and manipulated to dictate how people should live and govern themselves. Some in the Church have naively accepted this plan without uttering a challenge.

God’s reset would be very different. It will be a refocusing journey where we will see the Church and its mission with new eyes. Instead of getting more complicated and bureaucratic, our expression of faith would enter a simpler expression, void of complicated religious baggage, language, and unhealthy alliances.

At the end of the Lord’s resetting and refocusing, we would enter a resting place, where we will receive fresh revelation about how to move forward into the future. This process would become a spiritual equation: Reset + Refocus + Rest = Revelation.

RESET is the beginning of the spiritual equation that would reveal something new where we realign ourselves with God and His original purposes. That reset will prepare us to navigate a new and unfamiliar future.

REFOCUS: Each new season requires a refocusing of our efforts on what matters most to the Lord. A refocus will create simplicity where we will shed what has complicated our lives and our faith. It will require that we say no to some things currently on our plate and yes to things we had not considered before the refocusing took place. Refocusing our lives can appear to some as an act of defiance to what has been promoted as the accepted norm.

REST: Many have allowed the busyness of life and the demands of others to rob them of rest. Rest is where God does His most significant work in us. It only happens after we have completed the first two elements of God’s equation. Those who have learned how to rest will be used by the Lord to engage in great exploits in His Kingdom. This rest is purposeful, calendared, and sacred. It is larger than just taking a day off each week. It must become a lifestyle – a 24/7 way of thinking and living.

REVELATION: Revelation is the product and goal of the equation. This is not a repetition of past revelations. It is something new and builds upon what has been revealed in the past adding fresh insight not previously considered before the reset took place.

These are breakthrough revelations that will show us the way forward through the obstacles we face within the Church and culture when the process of resetting our priorities begins. It may contradict the stability of our most intimate personal relationships. Some will not experience these revelations because they are unwilling to consider the initial reset that will radically shift their focus and the current direction of their lives.

The Lord is doing something new. That newness will challenge the attempts to initiate a false reset whose purpose is to control the will of individuals and nations. God’s reset will be met with opposition because any attempt to thwart the control of the false reset will be viewed as defiance of the plan.

We are on the verge of something that will reveal who and what is trying to control our lives apart from the exercise of our God-ordained free will. When the intensity of control rears its head, our goal is to seek a place of rest. From our place of rest, the Lord will reveal His will.

“I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?” (Isaiah 43:19).

1 Comment

  1. Van Dickson

    Yes! Every church leader, every Christian reading this particular blog for today, it would be wise to fast and pray over this word until you hear, understand, and do exactly what the Lord Christ Jesus would communicate to you concerning this message! These instructions cannot be over emphasized.


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