by | Aug 19, 2024 | Prophetic | 3 comments

The greatest danger to a nation is not a corrupt government. It’s believers who have fallen asleep spiritually and remain silent. That state of slumber and silence ushers in compliance with government mandates without a deeper inquiry and will restrict the God-given rights of personal freedom and autonomy.

What sparked this message was a video I watched from a police officer who said he would no longer agree to arrest people for issues that clearly violated a person’s Constitutional rights. At first, the video got a few hundred views, then a few thousand. Now, over 12 million views have taken place.

At first, the officer’s immediate command staff agreed with the opinions shared in the video. Then, as the video was viewed up the chain of command and continued to increase in the number of views, he was told “It’s time to pull the video.” The officer respectfully said he could not remove the video because it was true and a matter of conscience. Finally, the Chief of Police called and threatened him if he refused the order because the Governor was now involved and had demanded the video be removed. The Chief said if the officer failed to do so he would be in violation of a direct order. The officer held his ground and refused to take down the video. He had a family and a home that would be put in financial jeopardy if he lost his job. His choice had personal consequences.

I was once a police officer. I am not anti-police by any stretch of the imagination. Most cops are good people doing a tough job. What I am against is a creeping social consciousness that has entered our thinking that allows those in authority to violate the basic rights of a human being without pushback. It is a very dangerous environment in which to live.

We are at a place where non-compliance with illegal orders of any kind will be an act of spiritual warfare. This non-compliance will begin to emerge in many places like law enforcement, government offices, and within the Church where a violation of any kind needs to be resisted. I know this personally because early in my ministry, I participated in such violations to my shame thinking I was doing the right thing by simply following orders from those in authority in my life. What we don’t realize at the time of our misdirected compliance is that we are compromising our ethics and that the same tactics will be used against us in the future if we refuse to obey a direct order.

These acts of non-compliance will become a non-violent revolution. No guns, clubs, or lawfare will be involved. It will simply be good men and women not complying with illegal orders that violate basic human rights. That non-compliance will bring into public view the lack of integrity of an issue itself and provide momentum for others to have the courage to not comply.  It will become like a snowball of righteousness moving downhill and gaining size and impact.

The momentum will gain its greatest influence when the king’s executioners are sent out to punish the offenders and the executioners choose to stand down and refuse to follow an illegal order.

“We must obey God rather than any human authority” (Acts 5:29).


  1. RJ Adams

    In select regions of the States, some [Constitutional] county sheriffs are:were aware of unlawful actions* by US federal govt. leaders, state governors, mayors and federal, city:county:state bureaucrats during the Covid lockdown … and, in measure, stood with and protected rights of their constituents, exerting their [sheriff office] superseding, jurisdictional authority in their county.

    It was my local experience, and general perception, that by and large, US ‘church’ leadership stood down, complying with associated assembly, social distancing+ secular mandates to maintain status quo, so as not to jeopardize, or place in harm’s way, their ‘ministry:mission’, hence, did not challenge ‘faux authority’ whatsoever.

    *TITLE 18, U.S.C., SECTION 242 >> Deprivation of Rights Under Color of Law

  2. Riekie Dalm

    So true. We saw much during lockdowns in Melbourne Australia. Police were not defenders of the ppl but an army determined all would obey or else.
    Older police have resigned/ sacked over it and young ones are being trained now that they work for the govt. And we the ppl must obey regardless of any rights an individual may have. We will continue to fight.

  3. Opa

    I asked my boss to be exempt from driving a bus which is totally decked out in advertising which totally goes against my conscience. He refused to exempt me. If and when I get asked to drive this bus I will refuse. I
    would find it very difficult to go against deeply held beliefs of mine in that area. He might back down, I may face disciplinary action. Or lose my job at worst.


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