by | Sep 26, 2024 | Prophetic | 2 comments

The evidence that God is among us is the stillness of our hearts in times of trouble and danger. It is in that place of knowing God is here among us that His presence will begin to reorder our thoughts and determine our actions.

A crescendo of evil is unfolding in our world. Hell is very nervous about the presence of Jesus in our lives and what that means to his kingdom. Some will continue to believe the lies of hell that stand in stark opposition to the word of God and the ways of the Spirit. There is increasing turmoil because people still think their works and way of life not aligned with the Lord will be able to turn the tide. Only the Lord can turn the tide.

The Psalmist wrote, “The nations are in chaos, and their kingdoms crumble” (Psalm 46: 6). We can see the crumbling beginning to happen in all aspects of life. The stability of the nations has weakened, and desperation is commanding the choices they are making in their confusion. As the crumbling intensifies and our world is turned upside down, the following words will set the stage for how we will respond to what is happening, “The Lord of Heaven’s Armies is here among us, the God of Israel is our fortress” (vs. 7).

As talk of wars and rumors of wars increase, we are told to “Come, see the glorious works of the Lord” (vs. 8). The Lord is always at work for those with eyes to see, even as this life is unraveling. As people continue to align themselves with the confusion and disorder that is destabilizing the world, we are told to “Be still and know that I am God” (vs. 10). We are reminded once again at the end of the Psalm that “The Lord of Heaven’s Army is here among us” (vs. 11). Only by knowing and trusting in the Lord of Heaven’s Army is a stillness of our soul possible. 

This is a time to value God’s presence more than the solutions offered by people who have become distraught and desperate making choices about life that are not aligned with the Lord and His truth. Our stillness in the coming turmoil is the strongest evidence of the presence of God in our midst. 

Seek that stillness. It will reinterpret how we see the world and will help us respond to what is happening with words and deeds not thought possible when a troubled heart is directing our response. 


  1. Linda Hovet

    So good. So good. I have read that Psalm many times and been so strengthened by the hope it speaks. The “even thoughs” describing what the world looks like are overshadowed by the power of the truth…we don’t have to be afraid because there is a dwelling place where the Lord meets us, strengthens us and is our very own stronghold! If we will still ourselves before the Lord, we will be able to embrace the peace of God. Most of the time my problem is that I don’t sit still and listen

    Thank you again for these words of encouragement and challenge.

  2. OregonTruthSeeker

    Amen and Amen! 🙏🏼 ❤️‍🩹🌎 ♥️


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