by | Feb 4, 2024 | Prophetic | 3 comments

Many times, we describe the condition of a person’s life as having arrived at the eleventh hour. In that place, it appears all hope has vanished. That remaining hour before midnight still has the hope of redemption based on what we had planned. The eleventh hour is not where God does His greatest work. His greatest works happen past midnight when it appears all hope has finally vanished. On a hike last week, I prayed for some friends who had passed their eleventh hour. They were in a desperate place. As I was praying, I said, “Lord, in this eleventh hour, my friends need your help.” As I continued to pray, the Lord interrupted my prayer and said, “This is not their eleventh hour! It is past the midnight of their options. In this impossible place, I will reveal myself so that no human plan will be able to take credit for what I am about to do.”

Knowing we are past the midnight of all natural hope and now see a Red Sea passage of our experience before us, is where God will make Himself known in truly supernatural ways. Standing on the shore past the midnight of our faith is where the Lord will do unexpected acts that will deliver us into a new place. It is in that place where our faith will begin to see what is not seen with the natural eye. That kind of faith only happens well past midnight.

“Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen; it gives assurance about things we cannot see” (Hebrews 11:1).


  1. jamie

    12:01am standing on the wrong side of the red sea.

    its been a heart rending journey to get here. im not even sure this is a red sea crossing. every minute is a choice to choose hope, and it takes everything within me to try to grab hold of it.

    I no longer have the grip strength to hold fast.

    i lost hope.

    i am so immune to all the this is your moment, the time is now, crossing over words. I used to geab hold of those words and believe w everything in me that this was it.

    its been decades…

    now when i hear words like that my reflexive emotion is bitterness. and i have to check myself.

    i keep knocking. seeking. worshipping. And things have gotten impossibly worse. I ask for God to show me where my heart is dirty and my hands are unclean so i can turn, repent and come out of this never ending pressure cooker. i have tearfully and painfully placed my emotions on the altar time and time again and covered them in the word. ive blessed those who have hurt me. ive sought the counsel of his word.

    things have only become progressively worse…. continually…. with no reprieve.

    for decades.

    years and years and years… ive lost hope. i dont think there is a cross over point for me. my heart is so heavy and so very very broken.

    your word is oddly timed with a dream and another word. it dares me to believe for another minute, another hour another day.

    thank you for sharing this. you have no idea what it has meant to wake up and read these words.

    • Patricia C

      Dear sweet child of God I have been there as many have ….I don’t understand why the Lord leaves us in these places for seemingly forever. But I do know that through every place He carries us there is a testimony to His faithfulness that He will use for others who are walking the trail behind you. I am praying that He will give you strength and hope to hold fast to the understanding that The Father truly LOVES you…not because of what you can do but because you are His. Praying for your breakthrough.

  2. Lesley Ann Richardson



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