by | May 16, 2024 | Prophetic | 0 comments

Navigating what is coming to our world will require that we make a critical choice. What flows from that choice will change everything. It will offer us protection when the world appears to be spinning out of control.

No matter how sophisticated we think we might be, or what summit our influence attains, this truth remains, “The Lord protects those of childlike faith” (Psalm 116:6). When the disciples asked Jesus who is the greatest in the Kingdom, He replied, “Anyone who becomes as humble as this little child is the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven” (Matthew 18:4). It’s not easy to become like a child when world is in turmoil and we are asked to descend from the heights of human achievement, power, success to assume a childlike humility. 

The effects of childlikeness impact all areas of our lives – wealth, success, and where we place our trust when fear has entered our thinking. It can even affect social issues like politics. No matter what happens in the next election, it is not the survival of a nation but the advancement of God’s Kingdom that matters most. From a childlike heart, is where we will receive our marching orders.

A childlike faith is hard to attain if we consider ourselves “mature” in the faith and seem to have all aspects of our life under control. The opposite of childlike faith is the foolish assumption that we can control our world and dictate to God an outcome. Children do not dictate anything to God. That is rebellion.

A childlike faith can only happen if it is the Lord, not the influence of our surroundings, that is consistently in our field of vision as we consider our options. That is a choice a believer must make if they want the future to be filled with hope, not despair. As the world demeans innocence, it is the innocent nature of a child in a parental relationship where a child will be able to trust a loving parent to care for them. In that innocent place, supernatural protection surrounds a child and will produce a heart filled with peace.


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