by | Oct 8, 2022 | Prophetic | 1 comment

No stone-like wall of censorship, no accusation nor any threat of restriction formed by an unbelieving world can prevent the revelation of God’s truth from penetrating these obstacles. There are other walls – walls of accusation, and dismissal. or outright disgust in the hearts of God’s people that will also be breached.

If we are responding in the same fear and lovelessness as the world to the current heated social discourse, tossing comments back and forth over any dividing wall of opinion, we have adopted an earthly perspective, not a perspective birthed from eternity. The Kingdom of God is best displayed from a heavenly perspective – a perspective formed from above, not left, right, or from the middle of any issue.

The Lord wants us to overlay the template of Heaven’s perspective over all the things in this realm that cause us concern. The template of a heavenly perspective is formed by the leading of the Spirit and by Scripture.  Even then, our conclusions are only that, our conclusions. Jesus constantly confronted the ill-formed conclusions of people who did not know Him and those who claimed to represent Him but failed to see a much larger picture.

In the coming weeks, the Lord will be penetrating the walls of our assumptions. Under the penetrating light of the Spirit, He will reveal things that may surprise us. In some cases, we will realize we had gathered evidence to prove a point that was not as all-conclusive as we had first imagined or been led to believe.  We need to be open and available for this examination. It will align us more closely with the heart of God and create outcomes our original way of thinking could never have accomplished.

1 Comment

  1. Riekie Dalm

    I just love the way you.put things. no inflammatory words used. always making us stop and think. bless you Garris


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