Truth has a way of walking out of tombs of censorship and secrecy to be resurrected into the light of day for all to see. No fact and no plan to hide the full measure of truth can escape the power of resurrection.
In my lifetime, I have seen two very controversial events hidden within the dark enclosure of secrecy – the Kennedy assassination and the evidence regarding the research connected with the recent pandemic.
When Kennedy was assassinated the Warren Commission records were ordered sealed. Fifty years later, most files were released, however, some remain sealed. What has come to light in recent releases of information has put to bed the myth of a lone gunman.
Of recent date, a request to seal records regarding virus research was requested. It was hoped the records would be sealed long enough to be read by our grandchildren someday in the distant future. Add to that guaranteed immunity from prosecution against the pharmaceutical companies who created the vaccines was granted. Does such secrecy cause any concern?
Some within the Church feel this is the stuff of conspiracy theorists and roll their eyes at such considerations, or worse, attach labels to fellow believers provided for them by social commentators and the media to easily dismiss dissenting voices who challenge the preferred narrative. They are playing into the hands of the very people who are set to profit from such ignorance. Revealing the full measure of truth is what sets people free. It is also at the core of what it means to love our neighbor as ourselves.
When Jesus was placed in the tomb, the religious leaders of Israel requested that Pilate seal the tomb fearing the disciples would come and steal His body. They feared any affirmation of the resurrection would confirm what the religious leaders considered to be a wild conspiracy theory. Guards were posted at the entrance to the Lord’s tomb to make sure His zealous followers would not be able to spread what they considered to be religious misinformation.
History reveals a significant truth. No deception can contain the truth of a matter forever. At some point, the truth will walk out of its tomb into the bright light of day. Digging deeper into what has been hidden, those things we have been told we should not see will ensure we are standing on the right side of history when all the facts are finally made known.
Powerful truth revealing both the heart of man and the relevance of scripture for all times. What man wants to conceal in darkness is always brought into light of day. Even the greatness and splendor of Solomon reveals “There is nothing new under the sun” Ecclesiastes 1:9.
While this passage is not about Solomon concealing a matter, it does reveal a very unfortunate side of the heart of mankind no matter what side of the isle he or she is on- I will have what I will have and no one will stop me regardless of the cost. This however does not limit Gods sovereignty or will to reveal truth. The Spirit of God is revealing truth to those who will humble themselves to have ears to hear and eyes to see.
I love your posts. Very insightful!
Awesome insight and metaphors, Garris.
Daniel was told to “seal up …..the books until the time of the end.” Jesus told his disciples “I have much to say to you, but you cannot bear it now.”
May we press in and become able to receive the secrets that God has been longing to share with us. How can we prepare? Psalms 25.14 declares “the secret counsel of the Lord is with those who fear him.”