by | Apr 8, 2023 | Prophetic | 4 comments

I have a sense something is about to happen that will be very unusual and for some, unexpected. This unusual and unexpected event or series of events will create a turnaround for something that when originally announced, was believed by only a few. What was previously dismissed as a fantasy will become a living reality.

This year, more than any other year in my lifetime, I have been struck with a visceral sense of the emotions the first disciples must have felt in the days between the death and resurrection of Jesus. It wasn’t an easy time for them. The hopes they had were dashed at the Crucifixion. Conversations they had were most likely sprinkled with a lack of faith and hopelessness wondering what was next. 

On the day His resurrection was finally realized, a group of women who were His followers had come to the tomb to prepare a dead body for burial but discovered an empty tomb. At that moment, it began to make sense. The women ran to find the 11 disciples to tell them what they had discovered, but the report they brought was considered nonsense. Once the evidence of the Lord’s resurrection was announced a ray of hope caused others to run to the tomb to see the evidence for themselves.

What we wrongly consider to be delays, abandonment, or a lack of interest on God’s part, is radically redefined when a resurrection of our despair takes place. The promise that a resurrection will take place is what creates faith and offers glimmers of hope in the in-between times of silence and perceived inactivity.

In the coming days, runners who have seen firsthand the evidence of a supernatural intervention by God will arrive announcing turnarounds, redemptions, and rescues in situations that have been written off as impossibilities. When Jesus rose from the dead, He changed the rules of the game of life forever. Nothing is impossible for the One who overcame the greatest impossibility of all – rising from the dead.


  1. John J Anderson

    Those who think that life has linearity think that like a car hitting a pothole, springs and shocks will restore normality soon. The Jewish tradition of feasts and sacrifices were like that….

    Jesus’ death and resurrection, coupled with the rending of the Temple veil, set us forever on a new path of covenant with a loving God and a merciful savior.

  2. kevin

    The Father saw fit for us to be born for this time. Continue to shine His Light of Truth and Love. Hold the line. He will greatly reward us who stand firm in our Inheritance, as His Children. When evil takes its last gasp, those who Overcome will Reign for 1000 yrs. by the Side of The Son of Man in The New Jerusalem when The New Heaven and the New Earth will be complete, again.

  3. Marilyn Hagoes

    Very encouraging. Thank you, Garris!

  4. Lesley Ann Richardson

    “Everyone arrives at the tomb tired, sad, and disappointed … and they leave running!” (Mother Elvira Petrozzi).


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