by | Jul 13, 2024 | Prophetic | 1 comment

Every life has a turning point that will change how we interpret our suffering. That point turns our thinking toward a place of hope even if the evidence of hope is not yet present. It is a point where we recognize God’s mercy is present and will appear in our place of suffering.  It will change how we see and interpret the things causing our pain and feelings of despair.

After Job’s friends had laid guilt after guilt upon him to justify their misunderstanding of what was happening to him, Job spoke words that would change everything for him on a personal level. It would become a turning point in the book of Job, “But as for me, I know that my Redeemer lives” (Job 19: 25).

Job knew that at some point in his life, God’s redemption would intervene on his behalf. Job followed that declaration by saying, “Yet in my body, I will see God! I will see him for myself. Yes, I will see him with my own eyes. I am overwhelmed at the thought” (vs. 26-27). The thought of a living Redeemer at work on his behalf overwhelmed the sorrow Job was experiencing in his loss.

Knowing our Redeemer, Jesus Christ, is alive and at work in our lives, will overshadow the deepest pain and suffering we will encounter in this life. Not knowing and understanding that reality will lead us to desperation and hopelessness regarding our future.

After Job made his declaration of the Lord’s redeeming presence, all the future condemnations his friends would pile upon him would have to yield to the hope Job had regarding the faithfulness of His Redeemer. That understanding will also become the turning point in our lives when our seasons of suffering seem overwhelming and without end. 

Our Redeemer lives!

1 Comment


    Like Job, David had a ready answer for his suffering, delays, and disappointments. Ps 41-2-3 records his recounting personal testimonies (you did it for me….do it again), Israel (you did it for us…do it again) and for the world (in creation – nothing is too hard for you).

    Bless the Lord, O my soul – and forget not all of His benefits!


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