There seems to be an abundance of 30-day challenges out there. Most of them are great. I want to add one with a different twist.

I would like to invite you to commit to pray in the Spirit (tongues) for the next 30 days. Commit to pray this way when you first get in your car each day until you arrive at your first destination whether the journey is 5 minutes or an hour away. Turn off the radio. Turn off your worry machine and simply pray in the Spirit. I have been doing this for years, and it has released something so powerful in my life that is hard to explain. It must be experienced.

What you will begin to see are interpretations for your prayers that are different than an interpretation that comes following the gift of tongues released in a public worship gathering. You will begin to hear fresh revelation for your business, your family, and for the broader culture. 

Most Spirit-filled believers only have a single sentence of a prayer language. God not only wants to expand your Spirit-inspired vocabulary, but He also wants to take your prayers deep into situations that will remain unlocked if their interpretive solution is not prayed from the depths of God’s Spirit. 

Your invitation has been extended. Expect God to do above and beyond all that you could ask, think, or pray in your natural mind.


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