#1 Choosing Wonder And Mystery

by | Sep 21, 2014 | Church, Leadership, Transition, Trust | 0 comments

In one month, I will hand our church over to a new generation of leaders.  These are trusted men and women who know God and His heart.  They will serve God and His people with honor and integrity.  As I travel and minister in a widening circle of relationship, I am gaining other spiritual sons and daughters to whom these words would also apply. I feel a nudge to write and leave behind some things that have lingered in my heart over the years that might help them in their journey. I am not sure how many of these thoughts I will post, but let me start with the first one.

#1 Choose Wonder and Mystery

Make a place for wonder and mystery to always be present in your life and ministry. As you pastor a church, grow a family or develop a business plan there will be times when you find yourself falling into ruts of predictability. When you realize you have slipped into one of these ruts call out to God to reveal to you a sense of wonder and mystery. Wonder and mystery are the spiritual pry bars that will leverage you out of these ruts.

Wonder is that beautiful experience that will cause you to realize something bigger and unexplainable is taking place.  The bible describes a supernatural lifestyle as having an element of wonder – as in signs, wonders and miracles. Wonder can happen under a late night sky filled with stars.  It can happen when you hold a newborn baby in your arms or hear “I love you” for the first time.  These experiences make you wonder.

Mystery takes place after the work of wonder is manifested and you are left with a feeling that something unexpected and explainable has taken place – something mysterious.  Try to avoid defining and explaining mystery.  If you can explain it it’s not a mystery.  The people you serve and the family you love look to you to make sure they never settle for a life-experience that is void of these two energizing elements. Helping people discover wonder and mystery are hallmarks of Spirit-led leadership.


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