Two Megaphones

by | Nov 15, 2020 | Prophetic | 1 comment

This morning, I saw a brief but poignant image from the Lord. I saw a huge megaphone that was broadcasting falsehoods, treachery, and lies. The script was well-crafted, reasonable to undiscerning ears, and was becoming more and more accepted by those who listened only to the volume and magnitude of the noise.

Inside the large megaphone was a smaller megaphone issuing truth unconcerned by the large megaphone dispensing error. The sound of the smaller megaphone appeared to be drowned out by the noise from the larger megaphone. The truth spoken through the smaller one began to have a chilling effect on the words released by the larger megaphone. Then at a precise moment determined by the Lord, the larger megaphone became frozen and crystallized, breaking apart and falling to the ground in pieces. Then, only the smaller megaphone remained. 

Tune your ears to the sounds of Heaven. They can appear quiet and small compared to the blaring narrative currently taking place.  Volume and the frequency of falsehood do not determine the

1 Comment

  1. h. renell

    The larger megaphone becoming frozen – interesting phraseology since this next Oregon lockdown is being called a two-week “freeze.” Encouraging prophecy!


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