After the recent election cycle that caused great concern for some and a lack of interest in others, it is time to recalibrate our purpose as followers of Jesus Christ. Without a periodic recalibration of our faith, we will drift away from our Kingdom purpose to become entangled with things of lesser value moving farther away from what really matters.
When Paul wrote to the church in Philippi, he told the Philippians he was praying their love would overflow and that they would keep growing together spiritually. Then he said, “For I want you to understand what really matters” (Philippians 1:10). Discovering what really matters helps us live out the purpose of our faith in relationship with other people of differing opinions and be able to live “pure and blameless lives until the day of Christ’s return” (vs. 10). Paul was speaking about the kind of righteous character that only a recalibrated life can produce and express.
When God recalibrates our hearts, we will discover how far we have drifted away from what really matters. That experience can be like waking up from a nightmarish dream where we were angry and divided from people for reasons that did not carry eternal consequences – things that will pass with time and really do not matter as much as we first imagined.
When we wake up to the need to recalibrate our hearts, we will want to make things right with people who we might have wronged by our words or actions. When Paul spoke to the Romans about living an honorable life he said, “If possible, so far as it depends upon you, live peaceably with all.” (Romans 12:18). Only a recalibrated heart is willing to take the process of restoration as far as it needs to go to seek such peace.
Recalibration – that’s going to be my word for the week. Heck – perhaps for the month. Thank you Garris.
Thank you for your insight. I believe, recalibration happens to our hearts, while relationship happens in our hearts. Both are good and both are needed. 🤗