by | Jun 25, 2024 | Prophetic | 4 comments

While we desire to have and exercise the freedom of speech, our greatest desire should be to hear a word from the Lord. Today, many are speaking freely but only a few are speaking from God’s heart. 

In the coming days, while people are speaking freely, most of what we are hearing are the opinions of man.  God’s word for this hour, not human opinion, is what we need to hear. 

Lord, give us ears to hear what you are saying to the Church and the nations. Only your word has the power to transform hearts and nations.

“The one who has ears to hear, let him hear” (Matthew 11:15).


  1. John J Anderson II


    Repeating a well-worn theme, just as many women would rather find “Mr Right” than become “Miss Right”, we often believe that WE are already correct, enough, etc. – and someone else needs to Hear the Word, Change for the better, and solve our problems.

    As leaders, we need to paste on our mirror (or write on our forehead) the words of the Lord to Joshua “Be strong and very courageous, for YOU will cause this people to possess their inheritance”

    • Cynthia

      Amen…I’ve been in a great Spirit-led study which intertwines 2 Chronicles with 1Kings, regarding the continual conflicts between the succession of the kings of Israel between the kings of Judah. Each time the kings sinned against God the people would be led into sin and all would suffer. It’s like a snapshot of the continual tension and tug of war between the flesh (kingdom of Israel) and the spirit (kingdom of Judah).

      Same for kings (Asa & Jehoshaphat) of Judah, their obedience to worship and seek God blessed the people.

      Jehoshaphat was a worship leader, and there were times king Asa would be an evangelist and go out to teach his people about God’s commandments. Each king influenced them in their faith, but the times they did not consult God, for the battles others wanted to draw him into, they would lose those battles and their people suffered. Eventually because Asa did not seek the counsel of God to heal his feet, but instead chose to seek counsel from his physicians he died.

      I’m seeing a clear pattern here…God never changes in what He expects from us. He says He’s the same yesterday, today and forever. Praise God we now have the Holy Spirit to guide, convict and compel us to do His will. But like the times of the OT kings, we still suffer the consequences of our past choices, but again, Jesus is faithful to strengthen His people in this world.

      • Tim Johnson

        Amen brother, thanks

  2. Linda Hovet

    Yes, yes, yes. There is hardly anything I can think of that I want more than to hear a word from the Lord. Daily. Amen.


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