by | Jul 28, 2024 | Prophetic | 2 comments

Death, disease, divorce, or any major life change are all the same in many ways. They create a set of ruins where something that was once alive, and flourishing is no longer present. It is upon those ruins that the Lord will rebuild something new.

The Lord revealed that truth to Jeremiah when the nation was still living in bondage in Babylon. The ways of God are still applicable to us today as they were in Jeremiah’s time. The Lord spoke some powerful and encouraging words to Jeremiah. He said, “Jerusalem will be rebuilt on its ruins” (Jeremiah 30:18). The very place where the starkest reminder of their loss was still in ruins would be rebuilt and restored.

The Lord then said to Jeremiah, “I will multiply my people, not diminish them” (vs. 19). When we stand before the ruins of our lives, whatever those ruins might represent, it can be hard to believe something new and restored is possible.

Finally, the Lord said, “In the days to come you will understand all of this” (vs. 24). Standing in front of the ruins of our lives makes it hard to understand that a restored future is possible, except for the presence of God and His desire to restore His people no matter what our ruins represent.

It is before the ruins where impossibilities are speaking the loudest to create despair and hopelessness. It is there when God will speak promises of restoration to us that we cannot yet imagine or understand.

The elements of God’s rebuilding process will be the same for us today as it was in Jeremiah’s time if our hearts remain open and receptive to the word of the Lord. This is not about what covenant we live in or how we define our theology. It is about the nature of God.

The Lord does His most profound works of restoration when we are standing before the ruins of our past and feel hopeless. At that place, it’s hard to imagine the Lord could rebuild something new when all we see are the ruins of our lives and no way forward.


  1. Galen Wright

    My God, this is true. I can attest. As you and Jeremiah have so eloquently stated.

  2. Judy Wagner

    A year ago this August 1 I lost my husband, my best friend, my prayer partner, my ministry partner and the absolute love of my life. We had a marriage that most people only dream about. I expected to live the remainder of my days in grief just waiting to join him in heaven. After about four months of heavy grief Jesus took my face in his hands and said “look at me.” I felt guilty. I didn’t want to let go of my grief and I couldn’t look at Jesus and hang onto it. I felt like I was betraying my husband by not grieving. But over a period of a few weeks, Jesus would not let go of me. He healed my broken heart and gave me joy in my relationship with him that I had never known. I am 77 years old and he gave me a bigger purpose than I’ve ever had. I know my husband is filled with joy as he serves the Lord for eternity. I cannot think of him anymore except seeing him with joy. I say all this too verify your word. It’s all true! Beauty for ashes!


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