by | Oct 12, 2024 | Prophetic | 0 comments

Jan and I took communion with those gathered in Washington, D.C. for the Million Woman Movement. As we watched the video feed, the Mall was covered by men and women who were aligning themselves with the courage of Esther. As we took communion, praise was being extended to the Lord.

Each worship song released honor to Jesus who sits in purity on His thrown in contrast to the spirit of the demonic goddess of fertility named Ishtar. I tried to imagine the lyrics of a worship song to Ishtar. It might sound like the following:

We praise you, O Ishtar 

for the freedom to abort our children.

We praise you 

for creating sexual confusion.

We praise you for the bondage

of transgenderism

of mutilating innocent bodies

of pornography

of gender confusion.

You are worthy of our praise.

I cannot image such a perverted worship song being sung, but it is. It is being sung in personal relationships, in homes, on front yard political signs, and in the halls of our existing government.

After we took communion a physical stone altar to Ishtar was brought up on the stage. As those gathered and worshipped with the Capital Building in the backdrop, sledgehammers were employed by those on the stage to break apart Ishtar’s altar as a prophetic act to release. That prophetic act would release her control over our land, its citizens, our politics, and sadly, for some in the Church who have adopted her agenda thinking it to be loving and inclusive.

A ripping apart of the veil of deception that wants to smother our nation in its lies will reveal the love of God in remarkable ways. What has been considered impossible to change will change in a moment of time as the one true God renders His verdict on the spirit of Ishtar. 

Hold onto your hope, Church. The Lord is not finished with the United States or any nation that humbles itself under His mighty hand. Profound change is coming. Prepare your heart.


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