When The Mean Dogs Come Running

by | Aug 2, 2018 | Deliverance, Faith, Spiritual Warfare, Trust, Truth, Wisdom | 0 comments

Bicyclists who ride along country roads have a saying, “The biggest and meanest dogs are always waiting at the top of the steepest hills.” In essence, when a bicycle rider is tired and slowed down near the top of a steep climb, the biggest and meanest dogs will appear. At this point, the rider feels trapped and unable to escape and as a result, they are an easy target.

Some of you are in a long and steep climb into a new season of life, business or family relationship. You know that if you slow down, or worse, quit, the situation will chew you up. There is a problem. You are out of steam. Your natural abilities have been exhausted. 

There is a way over this steep section of the road without being consumed by what is lying in wait for your arrival. As you enter this steep and most challenging section of your journey, ask God for a second wind of His Spirit. Ask Him for a strength you do not naturally possess. In faith, once you ask, believe that you possess what you asked for and then place your trust in God. Faith coupled with trust will allow you to speed past the dogs of your defeat and eventually crest this daunting section of life’s road. Once you make it over the top you will be rewarded with a joyful descent filled with praise and worship for what God has accomplished.

“But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint” (Isaiah 40:31).


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