by | Feb 19, 2025 | Prophetic | 0 comments

It has been said that censorship is the last refuge of the weak. It is the evidence of a dying institution that seeks to retain control. To keep censorship alive, all opposing voices must silenced so that control can continue to be exercised to keep their illusions alive and their followers silenced. It turns citizens into slaves and its perpetrators into slave masters. 

While this is true and is currently being confronted internationally, especially in the nations of Europe, it is also true within the Church where legalism abounds in certain sectors. 

Continued censorship results in revolutions in nations. In the Church, it opens the door for revival. The Jesus Movement was an example of this in recent history. What was rejected and deemed inappropriate became the way forward to freedom for the Church.

As hell seeks to censor individual expressions within a nation, it also happens within the Church where unbiblical theories about God and His Kingdom are embraced and declared as the only “truth.” This control creates bondage and limits our ability to see what God is planning for our future. We need to put on the whole armor of God when these assaults come against individual expressions of faith. The freedom to speak the truth is sounding an alarm in the Church for those with ears to hear.

The prophets of God in Scripture lived under the daily threat of death daring to speak the truth. To freely express the truth of God requires courage to speak and act as a free person. 

Listen to what the Lord is saying through His prophets no matter how contradictory their message may sound to the ears of those who have been groomed to think and act like their censors. The discord that is appearing within the Church is a signal. It is a signal that revival is on our doorstep.


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