by | Oct 1, 2024 | Prophetic | 0 comments

This week I watched an interview with someone that was unsettling.  Because of his background, the person being interviewed was intimately aware of what is happening in our nation regarding our open borders and the unchallenged influx of people we do not know who have not been vetted. He coined a phrase that caught my attention. He said, “Terrorism will become Horrorism.”

What he was saying is larger coordinated acts of terror like what happened on October 7 in Israel will happen in our nation. It will take place by military-age men who have entered our country unchallenged. 

I remember when 9/11 happened in New York. It paralyzed our nation and changed our lives forever. Imagine if multiple coordinated acts of terror took place across our nation on the same day at the same time.  Terror would morph and produce national horror in ways we cannot imagine. 

These possibilities are not popular subjects to speak from pulpits because they can create fear and concern. We need to be aware of what is happening in our world, but not let our awareness create immobilizing fear. These horrific possibilities should be taken to the Lord trusting Him to direct us if such events should unfold.

David wrote, “I am surrounded by terror. My enemies conspire against me, plotting to take my life. But I am trusting you, O Lord, saying, You are my God! My future is in your hands” (Psalm 31: 13-15).

When coordinated acts of terror increase in number and become a horrific nationwide display of evil, our trust must be placed in the Lord, or we will be swept away to a place of unimagined fear. Our future, both the good and the bad, is in God’s hands. When horrific events take place over which we have no control. David’s statement, “You are my God!” will be the only calming thought we will have when isolated acts of terror become a national horror.


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