While gaining qualifications like experience and education may seem significant, those two things do not qualify us to serve God. It is God’s presence in our lives that is our greatest qualification.
When Joseph was sold into slavery in the slave market of Egypt, he was purchased by a man named Potiphar. Joseph proved so valuable that he was put in charge of Potiphar’s home and all he owned. As a result, “The Lord began to bless Potiphar’s household for Joseph’s sake” (vs. 5).
“The Lord was with Joseph, so he succeeded in everything he did as he served in the home of his Egyptian master. Potiphar noticed this and realized that the Lord was with Joseph, giving him success in everything he did” (Genesis 39: 2-3).
After Joseph refused the advances of Potiphar’s wife, she falsely accused him of being a sexual predator. When Potiphar believed the lies of his wife, he threw Joseph in prison. “But the Lord was with Joseph in the prison and showed him his faithful love. And the Lord made Joseph a favorite with the prison warden. Before long, the warden put Joseph in charge of all the other prisoners and over everything that happened in the prison” (vs. 21-22).
While in prison, it was discovered that Joseph could interpret dreams. As a result of the exposure of his gift, he was ordered by the Pharoah to come to his palace to interpret a troubling dream that the Pharoah had experienced.
Joseph prophesied a coming famine and how to survive its years of lack. When Joseph interpreted the dream and how to address the famine, the Pharaoh recognized Joseph’s anointing and said, “Can we find anyone else like this man so obviously filled with the spirit of God?” (Genesis 41: 38).
When Pharoah realized the influence of Joseph, he advanced Joseph to the highest place of authority in the nation, “Since God has revealed the meaning of the dreams to you, clearly no one else is as intelligent or wise as you are. You will be in charge of my court, and all my people will take orders from you. Only I, sitting on my throne, will have a rank higher than yours” (vs. 39-40).
The presence and favor of God remained with Joseph from the pit of slavery to the palace of the Pharoah. The Lord would use Joseph’s anointing to fulfill His will. The Lord would also honor and advance Joesph for Joseph’s sake.
While Joseph’s assignment may differ from ours in its place of application, the principle remains the same. It is the presence of God within us that is our greatest asset. Our authority and its resulting influence are not because of our preparation. It’s because of God’s presence within us. Our part is to seek God’s presence above all else. His presence will lead us to places of influence we would never have imagined when our journey of faith first began.