Yesterday, I took Jan to see the movie, Mary Poppins Returns. The film was delightful, full of color and childlike wonder. In the movie, Emily Blunt sang the song, The Place Where Lost Things Go. The song was tender and the lyrics were profound and meaningful. I could see the audience engaging emotionally as Emily sang. One section of the song’s lyrics read,
“Do you ever dreamOr reminisce?
Wondering where to find
What you truly miss
Well, maybe all those things
That you love so
Are waiting in the place
Where the lost things go.”
As I listened to the song, I thought of many of us who have lost someone or something we dearly loved. That separation can create deep sorrow and a longing to be reunited. I thought to myself, where do the lost things in this life go? The only answer I could come up with was that all the lost things go back to the heart of God – to the place from which all goodness originates.
The lost things in this life are held securely in the heart of our loving Father. What we consider lost always returns to Him. He receives them back and holds them safely until we can be reunited. This is the God we can trust when life makes no sense.
Going to the movie helped me stop and pause long enough to consider once again this good God we serve that never loses anyone or anything. All lost things of value are not really lost in the greater scheme of things. They are simply repositioned. When their time is done they will always find their way back home to the heart of God. That is where the lost things go.