by | Jul 15, 2024 | Prophetic | 3 comments

The Church has been called to speak truth even when the truth is not popular or accepted. That kind of speech requires courage when forces are set against its release even drawing on our legal system to silence its message of dissent. At some point, threats of violence, even death, will be used to silence God’s truth speakers.

In the middle of the misguided messages that were offered by accusers, Job asked a question, “Whose spirit speaks through you?” (Job 26:4). That is a valid question to ask today of all the messages we hear that contradict the truth. 

Much of our corporate media lost its purity decades ago. Its corporate leadership is run by people who are pushing agendas, not reporting the news. An offering of alternate news sources has risen in recent years in opposition to the message of the corporate news monopoly. These independents are gaining a following that is overshadowing the ratings of corporate media. That alternative news reporting is offered for people who are not willing to continue being fed the lies and misrepresentations offered by the corporate news media.  At some point, we need to ask Job’s question of the news sources from which we gain our news and construct our worldview, “Whose spirit speaks through you?” 

A spirit of death has been masquerading in corporate news providing cruel definitions and unfounded indictments against opposing voices of truth that challenge their agenda. Those definitions and indictments have permitted unhinged individuals to consider carrying out evil plans that a spirit of death has fueled. 

At some point, we need to reevaluate who and what we are listening to because it will have consequences. Those who partner with a message of lies will be led into a place of bondage joining forces with those who attempt to censor, silence, and in some cases, cheer the death of those who spoke the truth in a culture under the influence of the spirit of death.

“The truth will set you free” (John 8:32).


  1. Vance Day

    Thank you for speaking the truth, Garris. We must ask the Lord to examine our hearts and attitudes, move them into alignment with Him, and give us the mind of Christ, so that we may be His hand and feet to a lost world

  2. Truth Seeker

    AMEN! Thank you for addressing this. We have been lied to for a very long time by the ones we trusted to tell us the truth, they have only pushed their evil agendas for many, many years. “The truth will set you(US) free” – amen. Thank God He awakened His church – The Great Awakening has begun. As Melania Trump recently stated “The winds of change have arrived.” God is good ALL of the time. 🙏🏼🇺🇸🦅♥️

    • Brenda Joy Richards



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