When the Lord releases the winds of change, its influence will begin to blow through the Church and culture. What is not secured by God’s wisdom will be blown away by the presence of truth. When the winds of change begin to blow, we have a choice to make. We can hold onto the past and its failures or embrace, in hope, where the wind is taking us.
Today, the winds have shifted their direction. Jesus said, “The wind blows wherever it wants” (John 3:8). All that the wind of the Spirit does is to redeem, and in some cases judge what stands in the way of God’s will. That shifting wind has made some people nervous. Others have become paralyzed by fearful imaginations. Our emotional response is never a good indicator of the wind’s true direction. Truth is the only trustworthy indicator.
A weathervane frozen in place by our emotions will never reveal the true direction of the wind. It will leave us trying to make something work that can never work because it appeals to our emotions, not the redeeming truth of God’s will. This is true for both individuals and nations. The wind has shifted its direction. It is moving us toward revival in the Church and reformation in the culture.
We know that the wind can assist or oppose, comfort and cleanse or discourage and destroy. Jesus rebuked an opposing wind, and saints have interceded to reverse winds that were propelling wildfires and hurricanes.