by | Jun 28, 2024 | Prophetic | 4 comments

When I went off to college, I was like a fish out of water. I was in a distant state on my own for the first time. I felt vulnerable. My dorm room was set aside for athletes. It wasn’t a fraternity but it functioned like one. In the first days after arriving on campus, I began to hear stories about the hazing planned for incoming freshmen. I also heard of what was planned for anyone who interrupted the hazing proceedings. I didn’t think much of it until one night when the hazing finally began. 

All the freshmen were told to appear in a large upstairs community room. Upperclassmen surrounded us. In my ignorance, I thought it was going to be an exercise of jokes and friendly mocking until it wasn’t.

As they worked down the line of freshmen, it got physical. It was like a violent mob had formed. One kid was beginning to show signs of trauma. His trauma deepened to the point of real concern. His breathing became labored, and he had the look of shock on his face. As I stood in line, I did something I never imagined doing. I yelled out, “Stop it!” The room went silent. My concern for the kid was so great that I forgot the threats made against anyone who dared interrupt the hazing.

Then something happened that was both unusual and unexpected. The hazing stopped. People uttered a few negative comments at me and others who also began to offer their criticism of what was happening. The leaders of this uncontrolled mob quietly dispersed one by one. It resembled what happened when Jesus was dealing with the woman caught in adultery and those condemning her to death by stoning slipped away one by one.

I am telling this story to not say I was always a brave kid. By that time in my life, I had seen more of my cowardice than bravery. It was something that rose in me without warning. 

I am sensing many in the Church are like I was when I was in the middle of the hazing event and saw real trauma being inflicted on people. In those moments, a voice of challenge needs to be spoken. God will cause us to rise above our fears, personal history, and broken emotions to speak the truth when we are surrounded by hazing voices telling us to remain silent as they continue their assault. Our expression of truth will be so powerful it will stop the advance of darkness and save the innocent.

This verse is true for all believers, “For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.” (II Timothy 1:7). In each of us is an untapped source of power that can express unexpected bravery. That power can remain dormant until the right set of circumstances come about, and the Lord tells us it is time to speak and not remain silent. Our words will challenge the direction of hell’s evil plan and rescue those under its influence.


  1. Ron Lango


    • Dawn

      Amen! I have a similar story of a threat at a meeting where suddenly and without warning I screamed ENOUGH! A lil gal who’d never displayed such disgust finally was pushed to a point I didn’t care about myself, others opinions or what came next. This is a place we’ll share with the apostles of Acts; “they love not their own lives”.

  2. John J Anderson II

    Well Done, Garris.

    It seems that Bob Newhart did a skit where an identical approach brought nearly-instantaneous relief to patients who were traumatized by their own memories and imaginations!

  3. Ross Wootan

    Thank you Garris. There is power in the spoken word.


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