Almost every time I drive to town, I see a red-tail hawk sitting atop the same telephone wire looking down on the terrain below. He remains faithful in that position no matter what the weather or the time of day. His is unnoticed by the majority of people who drive past his location.

The hawk reminds me of many of you who occupy an unnoticed place of faithfulness unseen by those that fail to look up and who quickly pass by your life without taking notice. I want to assure you that you are seen by those of us who know what to look for but more importantly, you are seen by God. 

Don’t allow the loneliness of your assignment to cause you to fly away prematurely. You have been positioned by God in that place for heavenly purposes. Because you have been faithful to remain in your position, the Lord will show you things others will miss because they have not been willing to assume the high and solitary place of revelation and prayer that is the life of those whose assignment is to watch and pray. 


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