The situation you have been forced into through no fault of our own is not your final destination and condition. God always has a plan to prosper His people no matter what their circumstance may seem to indicate. Joseph, who was sold into slavery and unlawfully prisoned, rose to an unimagined place of authority to rule Egypt second in command only to Pharaoh. 

During the time of his restoration, Joseph had two sons and named one of his sons Ephraim, and declared, “It is because God has made me fruitful in the land of my suffering” (Genesis 41:52). The name Ephraim means “double land”, “double fruit”, and, “I shall be doubly fruitful.” These are names and definitions that can seem impossible to imagine in the dark and dank enclosure of an imprisoned season of life.

Begin to live in expectation that knock will soon be heard on the door of your prison cell. You have not been forgotten or abandoned. You have been hidden away for such a time as this. God has a plan to bring you out to receive a double portion of blessing, honor, and provision. This double portion is not just for you. It is to be shared with those who sold you into this place of sorrow and abandonment. You will be released to become a redeemer in partnership with the Redeemer. Your willingness to love and forgive will be evidence that your heart still belongs to God.


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