You will wear the failed plan of the enemy like a pair of expensive snakeskin western boots. What the enemy had planned to use to crush your life will become a testimony of God’s intervening love and deliverance in this time of great cultural shaking.
As I prayed this morning, I saw a pair of cowboy boots made from python snakeskin. The finished boots were being prepared for delivery to a customer. The boots were very expensive and beautifully handcrafted. To make the boots, a python had to be killed and skinned.
Pythons are powerful snakes. They kill their prey by constriction, suffocating, and crushing their victims to death. In the spiritual realm, there is a python spirit. He slithers into times of personal and national trauma, looking for his prey, and then he attempts to squeeze the life out of them.
God is preparing a pair of spiritual boots for you made from the skin of the python spirit assigned to constrict your life. The boots will be a testimony of hell’s failed attempt to destroy you in this uniquely painful time in our history. The beginning of the end for this constricting spirit comes when you shift your focus from your circumstance and call out to God keeping your attention focused on Him until your time of deliverance. That single petition will deliver God’s supernatural power into your life situation that is immensely more powerful that the constricting presence of the python spirit’s lies and deception.
Shift your focus. Call out to God and get ready to wear your new boots. They will be a perfect fit and a profound testimony of God’s delivering love.