As you look at the picture of this playground ride it is quite possible, as a child, you rode one of these. I did many times. With the help of my friends, we started to spin the ride holding on to the perimeter until all of us got dizzy and were spun off one-by-one by the increasing centrifugal force.
With each failed attempt we tried to learn new ways to hold on and not be tossed off the ride. That course of action always proved to be futile. Eventually, we learned to go deeper to the center of the ride away from the spinning power of the ride’s edge. We discovered at the center of the ride it was easy to remain no matter how fast things began to spin.
This is an essence of our life of faith. Whenever God asks us to take a step of obedience, remaining at the edge of the commitment can be filled with the unnecessary pressures of a half-hearted faith. In these times, our only place of security and peace will be found by moving deeper into what God had originally promised.
Look at the picture I posted and imagine the promise God gave you. If your first attempt tossed you off because you thought you could ride at the edge of commitment, jump back on and give it another try. This time move immediately into the center of the promise no matter the cost. There you will find a beautiful peace that only comes when you are living fully committed in the center of God’s will.