The armor is like an ornate gold breastplate
with shoulder pads worn by a first century centurion. Inside the armor a child is playing. The
contrast is striking – a little child rolling around and laughing inside a
protective battle garment designed for someone much larger and stronger. Look closer. The child is you.
You have been waiting to “grow up” so you could
finally wear this armor in order to engage the battle, but this is not God’s
plan. The battle God is calling you to
fight requires childlikeness in order for victory to be experienced. You have
struggled in your mind waiting for some new level of maturity thinking this is
what makes you ready for battle. It doesn’t.
The battle armor God has given you is always larger
than your current level of maturity. The weapon God is asking you to wield is a
childlike trust. The image of you
playing inside the armor of God and trusting Him is actually the greatest
weapon you possess. Hell cannot resist
the assault of trust. Childlike trust is your act of war.
Awesome Word Bro. Garris!!!