What if you found out your child was being given hormone blockers to alter their created gender? What if those prescriptions were being given to them in preparation to mutilate their bodies by having mastectomies or genital mutilation without your knowledge? How would you feel if upon discovery of such information your parental rights and objections were overruled, and you were forced to submit under penalty of law? To those who have disconnected their faith from the painful realities of the world questions like these are uncomfortable, even offensive.
If this is of concern to you, research the proposed changes to Title IX soon to be implemented without the approval of Congress. These changes will have life-altering effects on the rights of parents, the well-being of children, our First Amendment rights, and the privacy and safety of our boys and girls. For further information on this issue please check out http://childparentrights.org/title-IX/
After considering the implications of this issue, if you fit into any one of the following categories, read the questions below and ask yourself, how would I answer?
To those of us who occupy the pulpits of America – will you remain silent?
To those who are Christ-following teachers – will you comply?
To those in law enforcement – will you obey orders to enforce such a law?
To the Church in general – where will you stand in the record of history?
Beyond the need to protect all people no matter what their orientation from harassment and bullying, something else is afoot. At the intersection of raging hormones, age-related confusion, mental insecurity, and demonic powers that our children are experiencing, they have become pawns in a game of social engineering and the advancement of an agenda that has as its goal to reset the God-ordained order of creation. It is that created order of creation that has become an offense to the spirit of the age. That spirit will bring to bear all its power to silence any voice of opposition to its agenda, even if some of those voices reside within the Church.