by | Jan 5, 2023 | Prophetic | 2 comments

When I was a kid, I remember hearing a phrase used when someone had missed an opportunity. They would say someone was “a day late and a dollar short.” In other words, the timing and resources needed to take advantage of an opportunity had been missed. In the last two days, I have heard that phrase used five times in various settings. After the fifth time, I knew the Lord had something to say.

Some of you are living under the judgment of being late and without the needed resources to accomplish what you believe God has asked of you. If you have made choices under the direction of the Spirit, even if it puts you in a place where it appears the promise is now in jeopardy of being fulfilled, stay the course. God will always come through even if the timing and provision needed to fulfill a promise seem to have been compromised by your obedience.

For God, a day is like a thousand years and a thousand years is like a day (II Peter 3:8).. He is the Lord of all things including time. His Lordship affects how time is adjusted to fulfill the promises He makes to those who follow Him. God also has cattle on a thousand hills (Psalm 50:10). Those thousand hills are not visible to the natural eye. They must be seen in faith.

The next time you feel like you missed an opportunity, or you are coming up short financially, if you are walking in obedience to the last word of instruction the Lord gave to you, you will never be “a day late or a dollar short.” You are being positioned for a miracle. This supernatural process of timing and provision is not just for you to see and receive. It includes others – your supporters and critics alike –  who will come to realize the God you serve is faithful to perform what He promised, even if the fulfillment of the promise made no sense according to natural measurements of time and resources.


  1. Galen Wright

    Now that is an encouraging word. I am going to dare to believe it is not only from Garris but from God, and is applicable to my family. Thank you!

  2. Annette Trucke

    I opened your email a moment after wondering if the pressure and forms of lack I was feeling and experiencing were legitimate signs to either pull back or push through. Your words are apt, practical in application regarding our faith, and, they appear to be what I needed to hear at this very moment in time. I won’t be a “day late or a dollar short.” God holds time, provision, placements, and all the rest in His miracle-working hands. Thanks for sharing!


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