This morning, I was sharing with Jan a dream I had during the night. The dream had content similar to what awakened Jan to pray earlier in the morning. As we talked and compared what God was saying, we sensed a reversal was taking place. This is not a negative reversal rather it is a reversal directed by the Lord. He is asking some of us to go back and review the events and relational interactions of the last season to see if anything of importancewas missed.
The past is never “just the past” in the spiritual realm. We can carry unresolved or neglected issues of character and honor with us like excess negative baggage into the future. God is taking some of us back into our past to deal with these issues so He can move us forward. This freedom of an unencumbered forward motion will take place once we are free of the things hell had planned to use somewhere in our future to divide and misalign our most significant relationships.
Just days before the dream, I was reviewing my book God-Whispers. It is a collection of life proverbs. I stopped on the page you see in the attached photo and read about demons shuddering over acts of reconciliation between people. Today demons will shudder because they will see you returning to the history of broken relationships to undo those things you missed or chose to ignore the first time around. Hell’s plan to use these issues against you and those you love will be thwarted in this reversal. The emissaries of darkness are beginning to shudder at the thought of your obedience.