Thirty-one years ago I was a struggling young pastor. Jan and I, along with our two little
children, left all that was known and familiar to us and journeyed north to
Montana to plant a church. This was our
first attempt at starting a church and our first time living in Montana. We had no idea how it was to be done. We simply had a word from God and were acting
upon that word in faith.
After a few months went by my parents came for a visit. Mom and dad grew up in the rough and scrabble
life of working class America living through the Great Depression. They knew
what tough times felt like.
It’s strange how we can be “all grown up” as adults and find
ourselves responding to our parents like we are still a twelve year-old
kid. While most of this
child-in-an-adult-body-response is held inside, sometimes it can come out.
During my parents visit my inner twelve year old spoke out a few times in frustration.
When mom and dad visited, we had less than 10 people including
our family, attending our church. I felt like I was on display as a pastoral failure. During this visit the mere presence of my
parents allowed me to emotionally let down and explore some of my feelings. I felt afraid, alone and scared of what was
happening in my first attempt at public ministry.
The day mom and dad departed, Jan and I stood on our porch
and waved goodbye as their Oldsmobile pulled out from our driveway and disappeared
down our dusty Montana road. I was
feeling the sorrow of saying goodbye to two people who brought me such a sense
of security by simply being in their presence for a few days.
I went back into the house and sat at my desk located in the
corner of our bedroom. When I picked up
my Bible I found a $100.00 bill lying underneath. I knew my parents had left the money for
us. We were living from one meager
offering plate to the next. As I held
that bill in my hand, I broke down and began to cry like a baby. All the
emotions I had carried for months began to puddle on my desktop.
As I scroll back over the years, I realize how powerful a single
act of unsolicited love can be. That
$100.00 bill had no note or condition attached to it. The bill just sat there, but it spoke deeply
to me. It said, “Son, God is in this.”
“We love you.” “It is not over until it’s over.”
I have come to see these acts of love, acts of love without
words or notes attached to them, as some of the most powerful. They are
powerful because they allow the recipient to attach their personal emotion and experience
to them.
That day, as I looked out from my desk across the Montana
landscape, I felt a deeper love and appreciation for my parents. I was given a gift of love that helped me
continue to walk deeper on my journey of faith and not give up. I knew that
through my parent’s act of unsolicited love, God was saying to me, “I love you,
Garris. I am with you in this. Don’t
give up.”
Great thoughts Garris. Blessings on you and thanks for sharing. Found you through the GL site.
Wonderful story of encouragement. Thank for sharing.
Oh Yeah. I can identify. Similarly, one time we were pioneering in Altadena, CA and didn't have any money for house rent. Not sure what to do but pray… We got a call from a friend who felt we might be struggling (virtually every pioneering/planting pastor/spouse/family does). He asked if we could use $1000? This was 21 years ago- but he drove over from Las Vegas to bless us with rent for that month. What a faithful friend, and what an Awesome Provider is our God!