A New Pentecost

by | Nov 5, 2021 | Prophetic | 2 comments

As I look across the landscape of the American Church, I realize how desperately we need a new experience of Pentecost. We have arrived at a place of impasse. Only a Spirit-empowered move of God can reach through our deeply entrenched positions and opinions and touch our hearts in a significant way. 

Cynicism regarding a fresh move of God has crept into some parts of the Church, even those who have been defined as historically Pentecostal in their theology. In despair, some have turned to options that do not require a move of God’s Spirit to accomplish their goals. This decision has placed their faith on the cultural mantle along with other options of equal insignificance. 

Pray for the Spirit to be poured out in new and unexpected ways upon all of us who follow Jesus Christ.  When we pray this way miracles and supernatural resolutions will arrive just as they did in Acts 2 after the first Pentecost took place and “A deep sense of awe came over them all” (vs. 43). Awe is our way forward.


  1. Laura Welch

    “Awe is our way forward.” Amen!

  2. James Moyer

    Awe is our way forward. What a concise battle cry! Thank you, Garis. The revelation of God in His awesomeness gives us the wisdom to act according to His leading.


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