A Season Within A Season

by | Aug 19, 2017 | Change, Courage, Creativity, Faith, Favor, Fear, Future, Gifts | 0 comments

We just came through one of the hottest weeks on record here in Oregon. Each night it remained warm enough to walk outside in a t-shirt. Yesterday, as I sat in the early morning hours writing, the heater came on. It surprised me because it was not cold outside. Jan called out from the other room, “The heater is on!” I got up and went to our wall-mounted thermostat to shut it down. As I looked at the thermostat what was happening didn’t make any sense. I asked myself, “Why did this thing go off?” As I stood there fiddling with the settings, the Lord began to speak to me.

God is about to create a season within a season. What we have expected to transpire in this season of life will not be what ultimately takes place. A Heaven-directed interruption is about to arrive.  God has dominion over everything, including the natural world and our slavish expectation to a continuation of the status quo.

This new season will arrive unannounced and push aside what is currently transpiring. It will look like someone making a place for themselves by wiggling their way down between people sitting on a crowded couch. It does not seem possible that a new season could arrive because your calendar of life seems too full to allow it. The arrival of this unexpected new season will be a work of God’s Spirit – a work the natural thermostats of human reasoning could not predict.


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