by | Jun 8, 2022 | Prophetic | 2 comments

I love the wide-open space of sagebrush-dotted prairies. These places are removed far from the noise of civilization. There is a hush in that kind of place that soothes my soul. 

While watching an advertisement for a Tesla, I tried to imagine someone wanting to explore such a remote place in an electric vehicle. A life that does not rely on the power of God’s Spirit is like someone wanting to explore the backcountry of the American West in a Tesla hoping to find a charging station under a bush hundreds of miles from civilization. 

Scouts and explorers in history who were tasked to explore new and distant lands have always moved forward with only what they carried, not some illusion of provision. The same is true for those who explore the path of revelation. They do not rely on human strength or promises that a natural system of revelation will magically appear like a charging station out in the middle of nowhere. 

With each passing day, the Lord is reminding the Church that she has all she needs to accomplish His will. False promises have been offered to us wanting us to believe that power sources apart from God will be ready and available when our human energy is expended.

Reliance on the Spirit will keep us empowered and moving forward no matter how far God calls us to travel. A Tesla-like expression of faith will keep us tethered and orbiting within the limited range of the status quo. What the Lord wants to do through us cannot be accomplished by a slick ad campaign of religion that promotes human intellect, education, or political authority above the power of God’s Spirit. Those aspirations will leave us stranded.


  1. Nita Belles

    Great blog my friend!

    I Just couldn’t help but throw in this electric Hummer that could tackle the terrain you mention and has solar panels to recharge. Perfect for the desert. Carry water, food, a Bible & journal and it’s a perfect day! LOL!



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