The Lord is preparing His Church for a new season of faith. To prepare us for what is coming will require that we allow the Lord to strip away all we have used in the past to create and support a religious performance platform. We will be stripped down to the basics of our faith so that nothing we bring from the past will qualify us to partner with God when He moves in power.
Paul had such an encounter when he met Jesus on the road to Damascus. His past religious credentials crumbled in the Lord’s presence. In that encounter all that he put his hope in was stripped away leaving him alone with Jesus and allowing him to declare, “Everything is worthless when compared with the priceless gain of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. I have discarded everything else, counting it all rubbish” (Philippians 3: 8-9).
A stripping away is taking place in the Church. It is happening to prepare us for a Great Awakening. The things we have counted on from our past and carried into the present will not have the ability to partner with God as a new future is revealed. Welcome it. It is the only way forward.
I have been through a season of this stripping away or maybe you could say letting go. I have found that the reward is far greater than anything I was holding on to. It’s kinda like it is hard to swim when you are holding on to a bowling ball. Besides that it’s an opportunity to follow the Lord leading which always has it’s benefits. This stripping away allows us to run with the horses, fly with the eagles and hear the rustling of the branches.