What if there was someone
who felt called to share only words of hope? What if that person believed they
could change the world one hope-filled utterance at a time? What if the words that person spoke were not
influenced by whoever occupied a place of power? What if?
What if one of
those hope-filled words made its way through impossible barriers to arrive on
the desk of a person soon to be in power? What if that word touched a place so
deep in the person they felt compelled to send a private invitation to meet the
author of hope face to face? What if after that meeting the person soon to be
in power sent a personal invitation inviting the speaker of hope to come and
sit in the audience at the ceremony installing them in their place of power?
What if?
Hope carries amazing
potential for change because it does not draw its ability to influence from the
logic and insight of this world. Hope has the ability to supernaturally
position someone who has no national platform in the presence of someone who
will have the ability to influence the affairs of the world. Judgment could
never accomplish that kind of placement. Only the hope of God can do such a thing.
What if you made
the choice to be someone who spoke only words of hope? What could God do with
your life? What if?