I’m beginning to receive words and images to describe the arrival of 2023. These are not grand predictions with names, dates, or describing some dramatic global change. They are personal words and images the Lord will use to align individuals creating a mass of exercised faith that will usher in the New Year and release what He has planned.
This morning, the Lord told me to write out in longhand everything that is causing me concern. It took me a few minutes of honest reflection to create the list. The list was longer than I had imagined. As soon as my list was written, I saw the image of a hobo and his cloth bag attached to a stick slung over his shoulder. The Lord said, “Put everything you wrote in a bag and tie it up then drop it where you stand. The empty stick you used to carry the weight of the bag of your concerns will now become your walking stick helping steady your feet as you walk into the future. What is in the discarded bag will be no help on your journey into the future I have destined for you to experience.”
One of the keywords for 2023 will be “discard.” Many of the issues we have carried and grown accustomed to their weight in our lives are not burdens God intends for us to carry. They need to be identified and discarded.
Before 2023 arrives, create your own list of personal concerns that stumble your ability to trust God. Write each issue down with brutal honesty. Before you take another step, wrap the list, and drop it where you currently stand. The next step you take will mark the beginning of a new season and a new year where remarkable change and transformation will await those who have chosen to move forward unweighted from the concerns of this life.
respectfully suggesting an edit:
Many of the issues we have carried and whose weight we have grown accustomed to in our lives are not burdens God intends for us to carry.
Your insights mean a lot to me. besides the insights themselves, they teach others to receive and look for them for themself. Thank you, Parable Man.